Dealing with a smelly garbage disposal?

Does your garburator produce foul odors and is not running well? This issue is not only due to the accumulation of leftovers inside, but also on the blades and in the drain. Follow this easy recipe for a thorough cleaning.

You will need: 

  1. a little bit of dishwashing liquid,
  2. ½ cup of baking soda,
  3. 1 cup of white warm vinegar,
  4. 6 cups of boiling water,
  5. 3 cups of ice,
  6. 1 cup of coarse salt,
  7. 2 lemons or 1 orange cut in four (seedless),
  8. a pair of pliers.

How to proceed: 

  • Pull out the black rubber splash guard with the plier and clean it with dishwashing liquid. 
  • Put the baking soda into the garbage disposal, and slowly pour the white vinegar (this will fizzle). 
  • Leave on for 3-4 minutes, and pour boiling water into the garbage disposal to rinse. 
  • Put the ice cubes into the garbage disposal and then add the coarse salt. 
  • Run the cold water from your tap at medium flow and start the garbage disposal until the ice melts completely. 
  • Stop the garbage disposal, and replace the black rubber seal. 
  • Put half of your lemons or orange in the garbage disposal, run the water and start it.
  •  When finished, repeat this operation with the second half of the fruit. 

Your garburator is now clean, deodorized and smells good.
To keep it running at full capacity and last longer, repeat this recipe every couple of weeks.

*Garburator : a Canadian word since 1948.

Handymen Montreal -Repairs, Remodeling, Maintenance, Assembly. by Handymen Montréal

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