Do you have water up to your ankles when you shower?

This issue is certainly due to the accumulation of hair in the drain, and you don’t have to call a plumber to fix this problem.

To do it :  

  1. Remove the grill or unscrew the cap if it is a bath.
  2. With a long nose plier, remove the hairballs gently.
  3. You will be surprised by the amount accumulated!
  4. Once this is done, run the water and see the difference. 

You could stop your task at this point, but why not completing the work by cleaning also the drain pipe with this simple recipe. 

  • Put 4 tablespoons of baking soda directly into the drain.
  • Pour slowly 1 cup of warm white vinegar (30 sec. in the microwave) directly into the drain (be careful it will fizzle).
  • Leave it for a few hours before running the water.
  • The mixture of soda and vinegar cleans your evacuation pipe without danger.

A simple, effective solution, that requires little effort and without using any chemicals.

Handymen Montreal -Repairs, Remodeling, Maintenance, Assembly. by Handymen Montréal

You don’t have time, the knowledge or patience to do it yourself.
We are here to help. Call or Text: 514-397-8551

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